

I've been wandering around my mind recently, wondering exactly what i want to do and where i want to be in my future. Does anybody ever really know? I think it's so hard to make definitive choices concerning your future and your life, i don't think i know exactly what i want to do though i have vague ideas.
I know that i will emigrate to the us. This country just drains me, it's not what i thought it was and now i need out.
Manhattan would be the ideal place, i reckon, though i've never been. I think it;s because of woody allens film of the same name. He shows the place in such a great light; it seems to hold in its grasp some mystical objet a that my desire longs for.

I go back to university soon, 2 weeks in fact. It seems like i've been off for so long, and now it;s just dragging and boring. I finished on, i think, the 5th of june, therefore i've had near enough 4 months off. The highlight obviously being my trip to san francisco but other than that it's been tedious and money is running short.
On the wirral there isn't much to do.

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