

Why do I have a blog? I don't think anybody even reads this, (do they? If they do they must be bored already) and I never keep it up to date with what has been happening in my life like a journal. Right now I'm just in uni, bored as hell, sat in this same seat for about 3 hours at least.
I was supposed to have a half9 lecture but the tutor had "put out" his back or something of the sort, so now i'm just waiting til 4o'clock when I must see a different tutor about and essay to be in monday. Essays suck, bad.
Not really got much else to say, apart from this:
A man and a woman are going to the same destination. They start in exactly the same place but after a few minutes they come ro a fork in the road. Both ways lead to the same destination, taking the same amount of time. How do we decide which way to go?