
new post.

Haven't posted on here for a while, I think the only reason I have one is because I like listening to Chris' rants, they entertain me and I can relate because I usually feel the same way. So wha't been on my mind lately?
I go to San Francisco in little under 2 months which will be hella good seeing as I've only ever been abroad once and this time I'm going with the missus. Warped tour while I'm there will be amazing, just listening to some amazing bands on a pier will be one of the best experiences of my life I reckon.
Uni is nearly finished, just got a load of essays to hand in and some exams to do. I hate exams, can't do them for shit, I just babble on whereas essays I can do.
That's about it really apart from that I've watched some really good films recently, namely:
Three Colours: Blue (Krzysztof Kieslowski)
Brazil (Terry Gilliam)
Everyone Says I love you (good ol' Woody Allen)
and some more but those three are the highlights. Blue was one of the best films I've seen for a while, Juliette Binoche plays a stunning role and the art direction etc is beautiful, everything about it is good. Check it out.