

So i don't really update this thing too often; mainly its just a way to get shit off my chest or i just get mega bored (like right now) and decide that typing my thoughts is a good way to pass time. I go back to uni soon though so i reckon i will update it more with things that are going on, maybe use it as a notebook if i have ideas about my course or just ideas in general about this great existential quest we are all on when we reach late adolescence, or even all of adolescence.
Im not too happy with the modules on my course this year, theyre totally different to what i wanted to do and what i was hoping to do when i applied to go here but i guess i'll just have to struggle on and actually Try to get something out of it. i dont want it to be 3 years wasted when i doubt i'll ever get another opportunity and i need to get through so i can carry on in pursuit of what i want to do with my life.
i'm rambling for no reason now, it's 20 to 11 in the morning and i'm bored as hell, i should be out living life but it seems that a lot of people are just a disappointment and its hard with no job so i try to vent my energy sitting on the internet.
Been trying to start new creative pieces recently; stories and the like but it just seems everything i try to write is similar and i dont want to do that; i'm sick of the guy meets girl thing that always creeps into what i write, i could do with some new inspiration but it is hard finding it on the wirral.

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